Friday, February 24, 2012

Houston Housing Jumps Again

Houston-area home sales rose for the eighth straight month in January, the Houston Association of Realtors reported today.
Realtors sold 3,049 homes during the month, a 9.2 percent increase over last January.
Activity has been improving as supply declines and demand for homes ticks up, property agents say.
Pending sales at the end of January totaled 3,164. That’s up 6 percent from last year and suggests another positive month of sales when the February figures are tallied.
Foreclosure sales also took a big turn up in January. Distressed property sales rose 22 percent, representing 27.8 percent of the transactions in January.
“The January report shows continued strength in the Houston housing market that we began seeing in the latter part of 2011, and it gives us cause for optimism as we look ahead to the traditionally active spring and summer buying months,” Wayne Stroman, the association’s chairman, said in a news release. “We have also seen more jobs being filled locally and you don’t typically experience a strong real estate market without healthy employment.”
Prices have remained relatively flat.
January’s single-family home median price — the figure at which half of the homes sold for more and half sold for less — rose inched up 0.9 percent year-over-year to $139,900.
The number of available properties, or active listings, at the end of January declined 15.1 percent from January 2011 to 42,067. The inventory of single-family homes dropped to its lowest level since December 2009 — 5.7 months, compared to 7.2 months one year earlier. That means it would take 5.7 months to sell all the single-family homes on the market based on sales activity over the past year.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Texas Officials Estimate Higher Property Values

(AP)  AUSTIN, Texas — Texas property values increased 1.3 percent statewide last year, the comptroller's office says, in another sign the economy is getting stronger.

The assessed value of all residential and commercial property across the state increased to $1.69 trillion in 2011, compared to the previous year's $1.67 trillion. In 2010, Texas suffered the first decline in statewide property values in 17 years, and state budget writers had anticipated another 1 percent decrease last year — but 2011 was more positive than expected, the Austin American-Statesman ( reported Tuesday.

The assessed value is a key variable in school funding, which is based on a mix of local property taxes and state dollars. The difference will save the state perhaps $300 million to $400 million by reducing its obligation to school districts, according to Joe Wisnoski of Moak Casey & Associates, a school finance consulting firm.

Still, the increase is relatively insignificant in relation to Texas' overall two-year budget of $173.5 billion — and it won't necessarily be used to undo some of the $4 billion reduction in school aid that the Legislature enacted last year.

"It probably will make very, very little difference in the bottom line of school districts," Wisnoski told the Statesman.

But the increase in property values, combined with the state's collection of more tax revenue than previously expected, adds to the perception that Texas is climbing out of its budget hole.

"We're certainly above the trend line across the board, but it's still early," said Dale Craymer, president of the business-backed Texas Taxpayers and Research Association. "If current trends hold, we will be in relatively good shape."

Since the state's fiscal year began in September, sales tax revenue has come in about double the projected rate of growth.

Other key sources of revenue have performed exceedingly well, particularly the natural gas production tax, which is expected to be up 25 percent compared with the previous budget. Much of that money goes to the state's Rainy Day Fund, which is expected to have $7.3 billion available by the end of the two-year budget.

Texas Comptroller Susan Combs said in December that the state would have $1.6 billion more than previously expected in the 2012-13 budget.

But she also warned that legislators would likely have to tap the Rainy Day Fund when they convene again next year given that they left $4.3 billion in Medicaid obligations unpaid during last year's session.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Protest Deadline for Residential Homestead Properties has Changed

The state legislature has changed the protest deadline for residential homestead properties only. According to the House Bill #3496, homestead owners must file the notices of protest before May 1 or within 30 days after delivery of a notice of value.

Friday, February 10, 2012

$25 billion settlement reached with 5 largest mortgage lenders over foreclosure abuses

By Derek Kravitz, The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A landmark $25 billion settlement with the nation's top mortgage lenders was hailed by government officials Thursday as long-overdue relief for victims of foreclosure abuses. But consumer advocates countered that far too few people will benefit.
The deal will reduce loans for only a fraction of those Americans who owe more than their homes are worth. It will also send checks to others who were improperly foreclosed upon. But the amounts are modest.
It's unclear how much the deal will help struggling homeowners keep their homes or benefit those who have already lost theirs.
About 11 million households are underwater, meaning they owe more than their homes are worth. The settlement would help 1 million of them.
"The total number of dollars is still small compared to the value of the mortgages that are underwater," said Richard Green, director of the University of Southern California's Lusk Center for Real Estate.
Federal and state officials announced that 49 states joined the settlement with five of the nation's biggest lenders. Oklahoma struck a separate deal with the five banks. Government officials are still negotiating with 14 other lenders to join.
The bulk of the money will go to California and Florida, two of the states hardest hit by the housing crisis and the ones with the most underwater homeowners. The two states stand to receive roughly 75 per cent of the settlement funds.
Of the five major lenders, Bank of America will pay the most to borrowers: nearly $8.6 billion. Wells Fargo will pay about $4.3 billion, JPMorgan Chase roughly $4.2 billion, Citigroup about $1.8 billion and Ally Financial $200 million. The banks will also pay state and federal governments about $5.5 billion.
The settlement ends a painful chapter of the financial crisis, when home values sank and millions edged toward foreclosure. Many companies processed foreclosures without verifying documents. Some employees signed papers they hadn't read or used fake signatures to speed foreclosures — an action known as robo-signing.
President Barack Obama praised the settlement, saying it will "speed relief to the hardest-hit homeowners, end some of the most abusive practices of the mortgage industry and begin to turn the page on an era of recklessness that has left so much damage in its wake."
The deal requires the banks to reduce loans for about 1 million households that are at risk of foreclosure. The lenders will also send $2,000 each to about 750,000 Americans who were improperly foreclosed upon from 2008 through 2011. The banks will have three years to fulfil terms of the deal.
The states have agreed not to pursue civil charges over the abuses covered by the settlement. Homeowners can still sue lenders on their own, and federal and state authorities can still pursue criminal charges.
The deal, reached after 16 months of contentious negotiations, is subject to approval by a federal judge. It's the biggest settlement involving a single industry since the $206 billion multistate tobacco deal in 1998.
But for the many people who lost their homes to foreclosure in the past two years, some of them improperly, a check for $2,000 is small consolation.
"Two thousand dollars won't cover my moving costs," said Brian Duncan, who was evicted from his Tempe, Ariz., home last April.
Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, who led the 50-state talks, said the $2,000 checks represent the homeowners' best hope of being reimbursed for any amount. They would have had trouble winning settlements in court because of the time-consuming complexity of litigation, Miller said.
Mike Heid, president of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, said the agreement "represents a very important step toward restoring confidence in mortgage servicing and stability in the housing market."
Mark Vitner, a senior economist at Wells Fargo Securities, said the settlement may help the housing market in the long run. That's because it lets banks proceed with millions of foreclosures that have been stalled. Many lenders had refrained from foreclosing on homes as they awaited the settlement.
"We've got a lot of issues to work our way through in the housing market," Vitner said. "What this settlement does is allow that process to get started."
For the banks, the settlement comes mainly as a relief. If each state had sued the lenders and won, the total settlements could have run into the hundreds of billions. And all the lenders have set aside adequate reserves.
"It's really a wash," said Paul Miller, bank analyst at FBR Capital Markets. "A billion dollars is nothing for these large trillion-dollar banks."
The bulk of the settlement will go toward reducing underwater mortgages and refinancing some of them. But the banks had realized they weren't going to collect the loans and had already written down their value, Miller noted.
The deal requires banks to make foreclosure their last resort. And they can't foreclose on a homeowner who is being considered for a loan modification.
Still, the federal government has a dubious track record of enforcing such rules. The Obama administration's signature foreclosure-prevention program has failed to help more than half of those who have applied to have their mortgage payments lowered permanently. Many have complained that the program is a bureaucratic nightmare.
Critics also note that the settlement will apply only to privately held mortgages and not to those owned by mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Banks own about half of all U.S. mortgages, or roughly 30 million loans. Fannie and Freddie own the other half.
The deal is "another sad example of Wall Street not being held accountable for fraud, perjury and crimes that created the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression," said Dennis Kelleher, CEO of Better Markets, a group that advocates stricter financial regulation. "The math does not add up in a massive 'robo-signing' scandal that is nothing more than systemic criminal conduct."
The settlement also ends a separate investigation into Bank of America and Countrywide for inflating appraisals of loans from 2003 through most of 2009. Bank of America acquired Countrywide in 2008.